Colloques et séminaires
Les communications sur les travaux de recherche réalisés sur Titan depuis 2010.
Fontaine F.R., J.R. Scholz, G. Barruol, G. Rümpker, I. Wölbern, Lithosphere structure around La Réunion hotspot from receiver functions at few RHUM-RUM OBS station. Preliminary results, août 2016, présentation orale lors du colloque RHUM RUM à la Cité du Volcan, La Réunion.
Chane Ming F., Jolivet, S., Liou, Y-A., Jegou F., Stratospheric gravity waves produced by asymmetric TC Soudelor (2015) near Taiwan, IAMAS 2017, South Africa- Cape Town. (Poster)
Chane Ming, Jolivet et al., Stratospheric gravity waves produced by asymmetric typhoons in the Western Pacific Ocean, Conference ICEO & SI 2016 (Oral).
Kurzrock et al., The use of satellite data assimilation methods in regional NWP for solar irradiance forecasting, EGU 2016.
Chane Ming, Jolivet et al., Stratospheric gravity waves produced by asymmetric typhoons in the Western Pacific Ocean, Conference ICEO & SI 2016 (Oral).
N.Bègue, D. Vignelles, G. Berthet, T. Portafaix, F. Jégou, H. Benchérif, G. Payen, J-P Vernier, J. Jumelet, T. Lurton, J-B Renard, F. Posny, V. Duverger and J-M Metzger : Long-range transport of Volcanic aerosols plume over the Indian Ocean region during the Calbuco eruption, SPARC workshop 2016, Potsdam (Germany)
D. Ramalingom, A. Bastide, Impact of external surroundings on natural convection in a vertical channel asymmetrically heated, ECCOMAS 2016, Crête
N. Madeleine, F. Gardebien, Workshop EuroCheminfo 2016, Milan, Italie: présentation d'un poster.
M. David, P. Lauret, M.H. Diagne. P.J. Trombe. Day ahead and intra day forecasting applied to an insular site. Colloque Martinique Energie Environnement (CM2E) 2013, Fort de France, Martinique, France, Avril 2014
D. Hernandez-Torres, L. Bridier, M. David, P. Lauret, T. Ardiale. Optimal storage sizing for dedicated grid services using day aheadforecast data with renewable Wave, Wind and PV power. Colloque Martinique Energie Environnement (CM2E) 2013, Fort de France, Martinique, France, Avril 2014
M. David, F.H. Ramahatana, O. Liandrat. Spatial and temporal variability of PV output in an insular grid: Case of Reunion Island, ISES Solar World Congress 2013, Cancun, Mexico, November 2013
Maïmouna Diagne, Mathieu David, John Boland, Nicolas Schmutz, Philippe Lauret. Post-processing of solar irradiance forecasts from WRF Model at Reunion Island, 2013 ISES Solar World Congress, Cancun, Mexico, November, 2013
Philippe Lauret, Maïmouna Diagne, Mathieu David. A Neural Network Post-processing Approach To Improving NWP Solar Radiation Forecasts, 2013 ISES Solar World Congress, Cancun, Mexico, November, 2013
Mathieu David, Faly H. Ramahatana Andriamasomanana, Olivier Liandrat. Spatial and temporal variability of PV output in an insular grid: Case of Reunion Island, 2013 ISES Solar World Congress, Cancun, Mexico, November, 2013
Boris Brangeon, Alain Bastide, Patrice Joubert, Numerical investigation of natural convection in an asymmetrically heated inclined channel-chimney systems, 08/2013; In proceeding of: International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association, At Chambéry
Bovalo, C., C. Barthe, J.-P. Pinty, and M. Chong, Potential of cloud-resolving model parameters to be used as proxies for the total flash rate. XV International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 15-20 June 2014, Norman, OK, USA.
F. Chane Ming, P. Keckhut and Y. Kuleshov: Characteristics of gravity waves during tropical cyclone events in ECMWF analyses, SPARC Conference, 2014.
Barbary, D., & Lin, Y.-L. (2010, May 10-14). The orographic effects of reunion island on tropical cyclone tracks. Paper presented at 29th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology.
Pathogenic Leptospira (Spirochaetales, Leptospiraceae) show a strict host specificity for Malagasy bat species. Yann Gomard, Muriel Dietrich, Nicolas Wieseke, Beza Ramasindrazana, Erwan Lagadec, Steven M. Goodman, Koussay Dellagi and Pablo Tortosa. Le 14 Avril 2015 dans le cadre du 12ème Symposium sur les petits mammifères Africain du 12 au 18 à Mantasao, Madagascar.
Diversity of pathogenic Leptospira in bats from Madagascar. Yann Gomard. Le 4 Juin 2015 dans le cadre du Séminaire de restitution du POE 2.10 PCOT FED–FEDER Biodiversité du 2 au 5 Juin au Campus du Moufia, Université de La Réunion.
A. Gauvin-Bialecki, M. Aknin, Y. Kashman, E. Gros, A. Al-Mourabit and B. Illien Bioactive Molecules of Marine Invertebrates from South-West Indian Ocean: Status and Perspectives International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry ,23 – 27 June 2014, Mauritius
Li Peng, AIC-2014 Dijon France: XXVIIe Colloque de l'association internationale de climatologie du mercredi 2 au samedi 5 juillet 2014
Cavalerie L., Charron MVP, Ezanno P, Cardinale E, “A metapopulation mechanistic model for Rift Valley fever virus persistence in the Comoros archipelago”, AITVM 14th conference, 25-29 aout 2013, Johannesburg, Afrique du Sud
P. Tulet, J. Durand, Conférence internationale de Vienne (EGU) 2013
E. Gros, A. Gauvin-Bialecki, A. Al-Mourabit and B. Illien Virtual Conference on Computational Chemistry (VCCC) 2013, 1st to 31st August 2013.
Bovalo, C., and C. Barthe, Lightning activity in the South West Indian Ocean, 2012 AGU Fall Meeting, 3-7 Décembre 2012, San Francisco, California, USA.
34ème réunion annuelle du Groupe d'Etude de Biologie et Génétique des Populations. Structure génétique et différenciation des populations de Faham, une orchidée endémique de La Réunion Bertrand Mallet, Thierry Pailler, Laurence Humeau. Petit Pois Déridé 2012, du 28 au 31 août 2012 - à l'Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse
The International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry (ICPAC-2012), Mauritius from 2nd to 6th July 2012. E. Gros, A. Gauvin-Bialecki, B. Illien, Theoretical Study of a new molecule isolated from the essential oil of Dodonea viscosa. Illustrations
Barthe, C., M. Chong, and J.-P. Pinty, Description and evaluation of the updated electrical scheme in Meso-NH. 14th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 8-12 Août 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Bovalo, C., C. Barthe, J.-P. Pinty, M. Chong, W. Deierling, and M. C. Barth, Can some dynamical and microphysical parameters be used as proxies for the total flash rate ? A modeling study. 14th International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity, 8-12 Août 2011, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
7th Scientific Symposium of the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association, Mombasa (Kenya), 24-29/10/2011. M Dalleau, G Lajoie, S Benhamou, S Ciccione & J Bourjea: Individual based modeling of green sea turtle in the Southwest Indian Ocean.
B.Brangeon, A.Bastide, P.Joubert, M.Pons. Étude numérique de la ventilation traversante naturelle dans une cavité ouverte. Application au rafraîchissement passif des locaux. Socièté Française de la Thermique. 24-27 Mai 2011, Perpignan, France, 6p.
B. Brangeon, A. Bastide, P. Joubert, M.Pons. Numerical investigation of natural convection in a cavity using an open geometry. 12th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate (Indoor Air), June 5-10 2011, Austin, Texas, 6p.
B. Brangeon, A. Bastide, P. Joubert. Numerical investigation of airflow in an open geometry. 12th International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms (Roomvent). June 19-22 2011, Trondheim, Norway, 8p.
M. Pons, A. Bastide, B. Brangeon,E. Wurtz , L. Stephan, C. Goffaux, A. Jay, C. Maalouf, P. Salagnac.The test case ADNBATI, a benchmark on natural ventilation in a room. Fifth International Conference on Advanced COmputational Methods in ENgineering (ACOMEN 2011) Liège, Belgium, 14-17 November 2011).University of Liège, 2011.
2012 Colloque-bilan de l'ANR sur les énergies, ANR-4C, Lyon
2011 Journée Thématique IBPSA (La Rochelle) - Développement de modèles intermédiaires de mécanique des fluides pour la convection naturelle
2010 Ecole de Printemps CNRS SIMUREX (Corse) - Modélisation intermédiaire de bâtiments
Barbary, D., & Lin, Y.-L. (2010, May 10-14). The orographic effects of reunion island on tropical cyclone tracks. Paper presented at 29th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 1200p.
The International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry (ICPAC-2012)
Projet mené par le LCSNSA : Détermination de la configuration absolue d'un produit naturel
L’étude d’un composé majoritaire de l’huile essentielle issue d’une espèce du genre Dodonea a été complétée. La comparaison des spectres de dichroïsme circulaire simulé et expérimental a permis de déterminer la configuration absolue de cette molécule. L’ensemble de l’étude a fait l’objet d’un poster au congrès ICPAC, The International Conference on Pure and Applied Chemistry (ICPAC-2012), Mauritius from 2nd to 6th July 2012. E. Gros, A. Gauvin-Bialecki, B. Illien, Theoretical Study of a new molecule isolated from the essential oil of Dodonea viscosa.